AIMA MAT December date announced
The All India Management Association (AIMA) has announced the dates of the MAT 2023 December exams. MAT will be held between December 3rd to 17. MAT is conducted to shortlist candidates for admission to top-tier business schools in India including BIMTECH, VIT Vellore, Dr DY Patil B-School, Christ University and more.

MAT December 2023 exam will be held as a paper-based test (PBT), computer-based test (CBT) and internet-based test (IBT). The MAT CBT is set to be conducted on December 3 and December 16. MAT IBT will be held on December 6, 9 and 17. The MAT PBT will be held only on December 9. detailed schedule is as under.
MAT Schedule for December
• CBT [Computer-Based Test] – 3 Dec (Test Date), Registration Ends on 28 Nov
• IBT [Internet-Based Test] – 6 Dec (Test Date), Registration Ends on 3 Dec
• PBT [Paper-Based Test] – 9 Dec (Test Date), Registration Ends on 5 Dec
• IBT [Internet-Based Test] – 9 Dec (Test Date), Registration Ends on 6 Dec
• CBT [Computer-Based Test] – 16 Dec (Test Date), Registration Ends on 11 Dec
• IBT [Internet-Based Test] – 17 Dec (Test Date), Registration Ends on 14 Dec
Five sections to test
MAT exam evaluates a student in five distinct sections – language comprehension, quantitative ability, data analysis and sufficiency, intelligence and critical reasoning and Indian and global environment.
While language comprehension evaluates candidates on their adeptness in understanding and interpreting written content, the quantitative ability checks for mathematical and analytical skills.
Data analysis and sufficiency challenge candidates’ capability to analyse and interpret data effectively and intelligence and critical reasoning will scrutinise logical situations, creating a holistic evaluation platform that assesses a diverse range of competencies essential for success in the dynamic business landscape.
The Indian and global environment section evaluates that candidates are aware of the latest developments around the globe along with general awareness and current affairs.